Fractions Galore!

News ‐ 11th Mar

In Year 3 these past couple of weeks, we have been learning all about fractions: fractions of shapes, fractions of amounts, equivalent fractions, comparing fractions, pizza fractions and ice cream fractions!

“What on earth are pizza fractions and ice cream fractions?” I hear you cry, well, they are a couple of the investigations we have undertaken in our conquest to learn all about fractions!

For our ice creams, we had to choose at least 3, but no more than 6, different flavours of ice cream and make an ice cream sundae using 9 scoops. We then had to calculate the fraction of each flavour! The children then had to draw their ice cream sundae using the correct fraction of each flavour.

The pizzas on the other hand, were all about working out how many of each topping was required according to the menus! For these, the children had to work out fractions of amounts – both unit fractions and non-unit fractions, and, again, create their pizza with the toppings accordingly.

The children did a fantastic job and are showing all their learning – whether undertaken at school, or at home, has been amazing!

Well done Year 3 – we are now ready to learn how to add and subtract fractions in the coming weeks, so watch this space!

Mrs. Emma Beer

Head of Lower Juniors