Bursary Places

At Lady Barn House School, we are dedicated to extending educational opportunities to children from all backgrounds.

Mean-tested financial support with the payment of school fees is known as a Bursary.

If you have a child currently in Prep 2 (Year 2) or above, please click on the link below to find out more about this opportunity to open the door to a quality, well-rounded prep school education; it might be more accessible than you think.

If you have any questions, please fill out the contact form at the bottom of this page.

The closing date for bursary applications for September entry is 31 January.

Our Financial Assistance (Bursaries & Hardships) Policy is available to view here.

"We applied for a bursary without really understanding much about the process at all. We just thought we would give it a go and each step seemed simple and straightforward enough. The school was incredibly approachable at every stage and we suddenly found ourselves being offered a bursary to help our child continue their education in the independent sector. From there the opportunities and experiences that opened up were beyond what we could have ever imagined. There were adventures, sports fixtures and musical concerts around every corner, heaps of new friends and an academic level that challenged our child and brought out the very best that they could be. 

The bursary scheme at Lady Barn has been instrumental in so many of our child’s achievements and has opened up many new doors for the future."

Former LBHS Bursary Parent


Who is a bursary for?

Bursary places are available for Prep 3 entry and above.

Awards are made in relation to a family’s financial circumstances (e.g. their savings, investments and realisable assets, as well as their income, the size of their family, any other persons dependent upon them and like factors) or other pertinent considerations.

Bursary funds are limited and priority will be given to those who, in the view of the Head: 

  • are most likely to make strong, academic progress following admission 

  • are considered most likely to benefit from participation in the wider, extra-curricular activities on offer at the School. 


What is involved in gaining a bursary?

  1. Come and visit us to find out about your child's journey of Discovery, Opportunity and Success at Lady Barn House School. Contact Admissions to arrange your tour.
  2. Submit an online Application Form and £50 fee to express your interest in a place, indicating on the form that you may be eligible for a bursary.
  3. Please take note of the time frame for submitting a bursary application; the application window is 1 November to 31 January each year, for entry the following September (i.e. a closing date of 31 January 2024 for entry in September 2024). We may accept applications outside of this window but this is dependent on there still being funding available.
  4. Your child will be invited to attend an informal taste-test day for the relevant year group.
  5. The School will proceed with arranging for the family to complete an online financial information form to ascertain whether a bursary is appropriate, and the level of financial assistance that might be required. This part of the process is carried out by a third party to ensure fairness, impartiality and consistency.

What is covered by a bursary?

The following are covered by Bursary Awards (pro rata’d when bursary is less than 100%): 

  • School fees and all costs included in them 

  • School residential trips linked to the curriculum 

  • Sporting or other tours (if selected) 

  • School lunch charges 

  • Peripatetic tuition in one area (such as one musical instrument or speech training) 

Each bursary, irrespective of the size of the Award, will provide a maximum of £200 on joining the school towards the cost of compulsory items of uniform and £100 per academic year thereafter.  

Will my bursary award stay the same year on year?

All bursary awards are subject to annual repeat-testing of parental means.

Will my child be treated differently if they are receiving a bursary?

The School respects the confidentiality of bursary awards made to families and so only a small number of non-teaching school staff are made aware, on a need-to-know basis (e.g. the Head, Bursar and Head of Admissions). Recipients are expected to do likewise.

Bursary Enquiry

Bursary Enquiry
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